Monday, January 24, 2011

{ communicado }

{Translates as 'breathe' which is not something this tower of dictionaries readily inspires...} 

Happy Monday!

Drove the 435km from Cape Town to Oudtshoorn this morning - left home at 4am(!) and was late for work :P Good start to the week :) Feeling sleepy, but here's a short post to keep the ball rolling...

So... the relocation happened so suddenly I kinda forgot one teeny tiny detail – Afrikaans(!) Kinda silly because just about everyone on the platteland speaks Afrikaans - Duh! Now, a little background,  I haven’t spoken ‘Die Taal’ much since high school mondelinge and ordering the odd beer on Edward Street, so this was a pretty huge challenge! {Understatement} But I’m happy to report that two months down the line I can answer the phone and hold a pretty decent conversation – sometimes I can even make jokes! People end up laughing with me, not at me – very welcome change!

Many thanks to my ‘twee-taalige’ dictionary tower and Google Translate!

Groete {Greetings} from the Klein Karoo!

P.S. After posting this last week, my trusted twee-talige which I've had since junior school was nicked out my office :( Who steals someone's dictionary?! T.I.A.{bleak}

Friday, January 21, 2011

{ happy happy! }

Happy 2011!

In the spirit of the new year and all things fresh and festive (no, it hasn’t faded into humdrum routine yet – I bought a couple half price Christmas goodies just last weekend), I undertook the great annual stocktaking and duly put to paper a rather extensive list of goals and resolutions. There were a couple more interesting ones, mostly linked to my brand new career –  I started my first ‘real job’  two months ago, and by some chance meeting involving meatballs and flying pigs, I ended up relocating to the Klein Karoo…

As much as I miss my beautiful seaside Mother city, I am determined to fall in love with the Garden Route! This blog aims share a little of my small town adventures from wine tasting and coffee shops to second-hand furniture, architecture, art, the weather (it’s really really hot!) and a few scholarly urban issues to keep things fresh :)

One thing I have discovered already, is urbanity really does come in all shapes and sizes! And in this case is populated by a couple thousand ostriches! Ostriches are weird, but more on them later.

This blog is for anyone who loves cities, people, urban spaces and all things design! Hope you find some rural  inspiration :)

Hugs and love from the Klein Karoo!