Tuesday, July 12, 2011

{ eco-capitalism }

Monthly highlights of top role-players across all industries, make Leadership magazine as refreshing as it is inspiring. The June 2011 issue is filled with anecdotes and case studies by top "green leaders" who have made their mark for the sustainability cause. One that really spoke to me was an interesting article arguing that "eco-capitalism" and entrepreneurial competition are key to tools in the struggle to rescue our planet and "repair our future" by Jason Drew (pictured above) read the article here. He's also penned a book called "The Protein Crunch" alongside writer, David Lorimer, exploring the effects of unchecked mass-consumption.

If you're looking for other books linked to the idea of "civilization on the brink", I'd recommend these by two of my favourite (popular) science writers: "The Tipping Point" by Malcolm Gladwell and "Collapse " by Jared Diamond (plus they both have interesting hair). These books take two different perspectives on the idea of "limits to growth", the first explores how and why trends happen and ideas grow, while the second is focussed on life-spans of 'civilisations', which are essentially the result of the way trends and ideas have developed within particular social or environmental constraints. Gladwell's writing is more accessible compared to Diamond's rather heavy offering, but both are definitely worth the read!

Images: Leadership Magazine

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