Friday, July 22, 2011

{ no regret friday }

No Regret Friday is a campaign launched by South African Breweries this month in an attempt to curb irresponsible drinking. I appreciate the simple, but 'oh-so-true' byline - how many times have you heard "I'm never drinking again" on a Saturday morning, from a hungover mate. The campaign comes at a time when there have been calls to manage drinking in South Africa, particularly here in the Western Cape where alcohol abuse is a major social issue. I've heard a couple radio debates from proposals to ban billboard advertising of alcohol, to closing bars earlier, and increasing the legal drinking age to 21, so there has definitely been a resurgence in the alcohol debate. 

It's cool that SAB, at the very least on face value, is trying to take some responsibility for the nature of their products. However, the debates that have been voiced recently often reflect an understanding that its the government's responsibility and that Province needs to regulate access to alcohol; though what it really comes down to is that what we consume and how we consume it is our individual responsibility. Irresponsible drinking is a symptom of poor socialisation, a lack of respect for those around us, and a lack of understanding that we are all connected and that our actions have impacts beyond ourselves. This argument is a little on the 'higher ground' but it's true, and it would be nice if public debates focussed more critically on the social problems and not only their manifestations. But it's easier to talk about drinking than about the tricky subject of 'culture'... Definitely something to think about.

Hmm, that might have been a bit heavy for a Friday post, but wherever you end up tonight - have a party, but don't forget to take a cab, call a friend, or volunteer to be designated Dave, we'll all be better off for it. If you need additional motivation check out the No Regret Friday website here, or follow #NoRegretFriday on Twitter. 

Images: No Regret Friday, SAB

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